Curator and Art Critic
born 15.07.1977
1995-2000 studied Art History at the Estonian Academy of Arts, Institute of Art History, Tallinn
1997-1998 studied Semiotics as an exchange student at the Tartu University, Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies, Estonia
2000-2003 MA studies at the Estonian Academy of Arts, Institute of Art History, Tallinn
Since 2000 lecturer at the Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn
Since 2002 curator at the Kunsthalle Tallinn, Estonia
In 2006 received the Annual Prize of Estonian Cultural Endowment Foundation for the curatorial activities in 2005.
In 2007 received an annual grant “Live and Shine” from the Estonian Cultural Endowment Foundation
Since 2000 member of AICA, Estonian Section
2000-2005 member of the Board of the magazine Estonian Art
Since 2002 member of the Association of Estonian Art Historians
2003-2005 member of the Board of the Estonian Cultural Endowment Foundation (Eesti Kultuurkapital)
Since 2005 member of the Board of the Center for Contemporary Art in Estonia
Selected Curatorial Projects:
NU Performance Festival II
(together with Priit Raud) Kanuti Gildi SAAL,
with Martin Creed, Stuart Brisley, Susanne Linke, Roi Vaara, Leonhard Lapin, Douglas Dunn (newsletter)
Political / Poetical. Curatorial Exhibition of the 14th Tallinn Print Triennial.
with Adel Abidin, Michael Baers ,Alexander Brener & Barbara Schurz, Arunas Gudaitis, Chto delat?, Gorilla, Minna Hint , Jakob Kolding, Johnson ja Johnson, Teemu Mäki, Dan Perjovschi, David Sherry, Hanno Soans, (Catalogue)
New Wave. Estonian Artists of the 21st Century. (together with Hanno Soans) Kunsthalle Tallinn and Gallery of Kunsthalle Tallinn (Catalogue to be published in 2008)
With 30 Estonian artist
Crime and Punishment, Kunsthalle Tallinn
With Bigert & Bergström , Ashley Hunt, Mark Raidpere, Oliver Ressler & Martin Krenn, Alejandro Vidal, Danh Vo, Laura Waddington (catalogue)
Story I-IV, series of exhibitions, Tallinn City Gallery
With Elsebeth Jorgensen, Minna Hint, Jane Remm, Po Hagström & Janna Holmstedt, Tõnis Saadoja
“CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST TALLINN: NU Performance Festival”, at the Kanuti Gildi SAAL and Kunsthalle Tallinn, 2005 (together with Priit Raud),
with Baktruppen, Gob Squad, Eva-Meyer Keller, Katrin Essenson, Kim Veltman, babaLAN, Tellervo Kalleinen, Saralunden, accompanied with the newsletter
“Shared Process”- Exhibition of Tallinn Print Triennial at the Ljubljana Print Biennial, Ljubljana, Slovenia (together with Eve Kask) (main catalogue of LPB)
“NO PAINTING”, international exhibition of contemporary European painting, Kunsthalle Tallinn,
with Daniele Galliano, Ritums Ivanovs, Davide LaRocca, Matts Leiderstamm , Jani Leinonen, Ylva Ogland, Tõnis Saadoja, Sophia Schama, John Smith, Mari Sunna (catalogue)
“Ilya & Emilia Kabakov and Raul Meel”, Kunsthalle Tallinn, 2004-2005 (catalogue)
“In My Own Juice. Contemporary Lithuanian Art” at the Kunsthalle Tallinn and Estonian Museum of Art, exhibition Hall at the Rotermann Salt Storage, (together with Eha Komissarov and Hanno Soans) accompanied with the newsletter
“Like Humans Do. Exhibition of Contemporary Estonian Art” in Riihimäki Art Museum, Finland
“Skriinseiver”, Kunsthalle Tallinn, (together with Hanno Soans), actions against media
Estonian Pavilion. Exhibition by John Smith “Marko und Kaido” at the Venice Biennale (catalogue)
Estonian participation at the “ARTGENDA”, Biennial for Young Artists, Hamburg, Germany
“Analogue TV: Screensaver” Wäino Aaltonen Museum in Turku, Finland (together with Hanno Soans)
“Young British art”, Kunsthalle Tallinn,
(fake & punk British exhibition, together with Hanno Soans and Kiwa)
Action event “On the Ruins of Capitalism”, Tallinn city space
Estonian Pavilion. At the 7th Venice Architecture Biennale, (together with Tarmo Maiste). Exhibition “Simulacrum City” (catalogue)
Selected Conference Talks & Papers:
Kui kõik on tsitaat, siis miski pole tsitaat. Kolm case`i.
“If Everything is a Quote then nothing is a quote. Three cases”
- KTI talvefoorum, March 3- 4, 2007, in Juuru
text published in Estonian in Sirp 23.03.2007
Oh my God, oh My God! There is no Estonian in the show… Of the notions “Local” and “Global” in my Curatorial praxis.
- seminar “Translocal Express” February 16, 2007, Akadeemiline Raamatukogu, Tallinn
Old Habits Die Hard. Institutional Curating in Estonia and Baltic States.
-“Gravitation”, Ludwig Múzeum opening conference March 16-17, 2005 Budapest, Hungary
Curating the East: Local tendencies and Western expectations. –
“Artists as Producers.Transformation of Public Space.” Symposium, 15-16 October 2004
Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, Riga, Latvia
Text published in “Artists as Producers.Transformation of Public Space”, Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, 2005 (English / Latvian)
Radicality Re-defined. Art in Institutions after the Institutional Critic.
Conference in addition to Marco Laimres solo exhibition “Questions and Answers” In the Exhibition Hall of Estonian Art Museum in Rotermann Salt Storage, Tallinn April 13, 2004
“The Position of a Curator”- at seminar “Concrete Visions. A Meeting of the Kunsthalle as an Institution. Organized jointly by the Kunsthalle Helsinki and Kunsthalle Tallinn. In Helsinki and Tallinn March 31-April 4, 2004.
Text published in “Concrete Visions”, Kunsthalle Helsinki, 2004 (English)
“Chunga´s Revenge. An instructive story of how pop culture swallowed up the avant-garde in the 1970s” - at the Conference “Idealism of the Cultural Space of the 1970s. Addenda to Estonian art History. Lecture day at the Rotermann Salt Storage Arts Center on April 23 2002.
Text published in “1970ndate kultuuriruumi idealism”. CCA Estonia, 2002 pp. 58-67, summary p.79 (in Estonian, summary in English)
“Adamson-Erics PR- technique” –conference “Adamson-Eric 100” on September 17, 2002 at The Estonian Museum of Art
“Be Drunk, Be Very, Very Drunk”– lecture-performance at the conference “Place and Location III” at the Kanuti Gildi SAAL., 09/2002
Text published in the catalogue of CENTRE OF ATTRACTION 8th Baltic Triennial of International Art, vol 2. CAC, Lithuania. 2003 (English/ Lithuanian)
“Lolita and the Guarded Unconscious. Johann Köler´s “True Guardian” (1878).” – at the conference “Johann Köler: an artist and his context”, at the Estonian Museum of Art 03/2001.
Text published in the magazine Estonian Art 1/2001 (English)
Editorial work:
Editor of special issues of the cultural weekly “Sirp” – “Special Educations Special” , Sirp 2002 Nr. 46 and “Skriinseiver” , Sirp 2003 Nr. 10 (together with Hanno Soans
“Blur Conference”, – special issue of the magazine Kunst.ee 3/2002 (together with Hanno Soans) (Estonian/ partly in English)
Analogue TV: Screensaver (collection tape of media actions and films in Estonia), together with Hanno Soans) troubleproductions, 2002 (English subtitles)
double CD-ROM “Video Art and Live Art in Estonia”, published by Centre for Contemporary Arts, Estonia, 2001 (Estonian / English)
Estonian Art magazine nr. 2 / 2001, published by Estonian Institute, (English)
Author of the radio program “Piirikunst” (“Border Art”) from 2001-2002 at the Estonian Radio (in Estonian)
Selected essays and writings available in English:
The Wreck of the White Ship: On the catastrophe of the Estonia – catalog Stuart Brisley “Crossings”, John Hansard Gallery, University of Southhampton, UK, 2008 pp.37-45
Hey, You There. Thoughts about Ed McGowin`s Project Name Change – catalog Ed McGowin-Name Change. One artist-twelve personas-thirty five years, Mobile Museum of Art,USA, 2006, pp.-4-5
Pop, Fear and Fantasy. Marko Mäetamms Terribly Funny Everyday – catalog Marko Mäetamm, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia, 2006
We Are Glad Its All Over (together with Hanno Soans)- www.balticart.org/essays
Antonio Claudio Carvalho: [Paintings: Catalogue / Text By Anders Härm].- [Tallinn Art Hall Foundation], c2005 [Tallinn]
Commercial Galleries and the Racket- Estonian Art 2/2004
Esto TV. God Save the Screen and the Fascist Regime – AMORPH!03 Summit of Micronations 29.–31.08. 2003 Helsinki, Finland DOCUMENTS / ASIAKIRJOJA (edited by Oliver Kochta & Tellervo Kalleinen), 2003
Some Explicit Polaroids (together with Hanno Soans)- catalogue “What is Important? 3rd Ars Baltica Triennial of Photographic Art”, Ars Baltica Berlin Office & Stadtgalerie Kiel, Germany, 2003
Raoul Kurvitz : [Selected Works : Catalogue / Text By Anders Härm]. - [Tallinn : Eesti Keele Sihtasutus], c2002 ([Tallinn] : Pakett
Reflections of Media Space in Estonian Video Art –Nosy Nineties. Problems, Themes and Meanings in Estonian Art of the 90ies. Centre for Contemporary Arts, Estonia 2001
Shamanism and Meditation: Nature Poetry in the Estonian Video Art of the 1990s –
Nosy Nineties. Problems, Themes and Meanings in Estonian Art of the 90ies. Center for Contemporary Arts, Estonia 2001
Ene–Liis Semper – in the catalogue of 49th Art Exhibition of Biennale di Venezia, 2001
Ene–Liis Semper and Marko Laimre – in the catalogue of 49th Art Exhibition of Biennale di Venezia, 2001
Lily is killing me killing you... oaah. Dr. Laimres laboratory of Experimental Semiotics– national catalogue “Laimre/Semper” (49th Art Exhibition of Biennale Di Venezia), KKKE, 2001
Self–Portrait as an Estonian Artist – in the catalogue of “Baltic Times”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb Croatia, 2001– pp. 112–119
Articles of Kai Kaljo, Ene–Liis Semper and Jaan Toomik– in the ctalogue of “Baltic Times”,
Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb Croatia, 2001
Mathematically measured sacrifice. Ando Keskküla´s “Finish”– Estonian Art 2/2000, lk. 34–35
Post-apocalyptic egogenesis. Kurvitz´s Fleurs du mal.- Estonian Art 2/1999, lk. 9-13
Mark Raidpere-androgynous Janus (der androgyne Janus)- in the catalogue “Can you hear me? 2nd Ars Baltica Triennal of Photographic Art” (edit. by Kathrin Becker)- Köln: Okatgon, 1999 (German / English.)
Selected essays and writings available in Estonian:
Prantslane, inglane ja sakslane avangardi ja popi vahel. Kapitalism, skisofreenia ja hübriidne identiteet-
(A Frenchman, Englishman and German between Pop and Avant-garde. Capitalism, Schizophrenia and Hybrid Identity)
Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi 1-2/2006 ( together with Hanno Soans, summary in English)
Laimre ja "mina": Marco Laimre isikunäitus "Küsimused ja vastused" Rotermanni Soolalaos
(Laimre and “Me”: Marco Laimre´s solo exhibition “Questions and Answers” in Rotermann Salt Storage)
- Vikerkaar 6/2004
Ene-Liis Semper: Tühi ruum ja lavaskulptuur
(Ene-Liis Semper: Empty Space and Stage Sculpture)
-Teater.Muusika.Kino nr. 3/ 2003
Laamanni juju
(Laamann's juju: on Tarvvi Laaman's paintings)
-Vikerkaar 12/2003
Start kontseptuaalsesse skisomaailma: John Smithi "Marko und Kaido"
(“Start to the Conceptual Schizo-world. John Smiths “Marko und Kaido”)
- Vikerkaar 4-5/2003
Edu ettemaksuga ehk kohtumine tagumise pissuaari juures. “Avangardi” projektist “Surm või Avangard”
(Success with Pre-payment or Meeting at the Rearest Urinal. Group Avangard´s project” Death or Avant-Gard”)
– Vikerkaar 10/2001, (together with Kiwa and Hanno Soans)
Universumi kuningas absurdi ja apokalüptika vahel. Jasper Zoova videoinstallatsioonid
(King of the Universe between the Apocalypse and Absurd. Jasper Zoova´s Video Installations)
-Vikerkaar 5-6/1999
Solo Performances:
2006 “Cooking and Shitting”-
June 29 Theater Festival Baltoscandal, Rakvere, Estonia
May 11, 13 Theater Fletch Bizzel, Dortmund, Germany
2002 “Be drunk be very, very drunk” –
April 22, 2006 Theaterfesten, Bergen, Norway
December 02, 2005 SPIELART Theater Festival, Munich, Germany
September 19, 2005 Theater Festival HOMO NOVUS, Riga, Latvia
January 15, 2005 Festival of Unexistant Bands, Tartu Sadamateater, Estonia
June 16, 2004 Baltoscandal, Rakvere, Estonia
June 19, 2003 Theater Festival “Transeuropa”, Hildesheim, Germany
Octoober 26, 2002 International Seminar, 8th Baltic Triennial, CAC, Vilnius, Lithuania
September 20, 2002 conference “Place and Location III”, Kanuti Gildi SAAL, Tallinn, Estonia
Curator and Art Critic
born 15.07.1977
1995-2000 studied Art History at the Estonian Academy of Arts, Institute of Art History, Tallinn
1997-1998 studied Semiotics as an exchange student at the Tartu University, Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies, Estonia
2000-2003 MA studies at the Estonian Academy of Arts, Institute of Art History, Tallinn
Since 2000 lecturer at the Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn
Since 2002 curator at the Kunsthalle Tallinn, Estonia
In 2006 received the Annual Prize of Estonian Cultural Endowment Foundation for the curatorial activities in 2005.
In 2007 received an annual grant “Live and Shine” from the Estonian Cultural Endowment Foundation
Since 2000 member of AICA, Estonian Section
2000-2005 member of the Board of the magazine Estonian Art
Since 2002 member of the Association of Estonian Art Historians
2003-2005 member of the Board of the Estonian Cultural Endowment Foundation (Eesti Kultuurkapital)
Since 2005 member of the Board of the Center for Contemporary Art in Estonia
Selected Curatorial Projects:
NU Performance Festival II
(together with Priit Raud) Kanuti Gildi SAAL,
with Martin Creed, Stuart Brisley, Susanne Linke, Roi Vaara, Leonhard Lapin, Douglas Dunn (newsletter)
Political / Poetical. Curatorial Exhibition of the 14th Tallinn Print Triennial.
with Adel Abidin, Michael Baers ,Alexander Brener & Barbara Schurz, Arunas Gudaitis, Chto delat?, Gorilla, Minna Hint , Jakob Kolding, Johnson ja Johnson, Teemu Mäki, Dan Perjovschi, David Sherry, Hanno Soans, (Catalogue)
New Wave. Estonian Artists of the 21st Century. (together with Hanno Soans) Kunsthalle Tallinn and Gallery of Kunsthalle Tallinn (Catalogue to be published in 2008)
With 30 Estonian artist
Crime and Punishment, Kunsthalle Tallinn
With Bigert & Bergström , Ashley Hunt, Mark Raidpere, Oliver Ressler & Martin Krenn, Alejandro Vidal, Danh Vo, Laura Waddington (catalogue)
Story I-IV, series of exhibitions, Tallinn City Gallery
With Elsebeth Jorgensen, Minna Hint, Jane Remm, Po Hagström & Janna Holmstedt, Tõnis Saadoja
“CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST TALLINN: NU Performance Festival”, at the Kanuti Gildi SAAL and Kunsthalle Tallinn, 2005 (together with Priit Raud),
with Baktruppen, Gob Squad, Eva-Meyer Keller, Katrin Essenson, Kim Veltman, babaLAN, Tellervo Kalleinen, Saralunden, accompanied with the newsletter
“Shared Process”- Exhibition of Tallinn Print Triennial at the Ljubljana Print Biennial, Ljubljana, Slovenia (together with Eve Kask) (main catalogue of LPB)
“NO PAINTING”, international exhibition of contemporary European painting, Kunsthalle Tallinn,
with Daniele Galliano, Ritums Ivanovs, Davide LaRocca, Matts Leiderstamm , Jani Leinonen, Ylva Ogland, Tõnis Saadoja, Sophia Schama, John Smith, Mari Sunna (catalogue)
“Ilya & Emilia Kabakov and Raul Meel”, Kunsthalle Tallinn, 2004-2005 (catalogue)
“In My Own Juice. Contemporary Lithuanian Art” at the Kunsthalle Tallinn and Estonian Museum of Art, exhibition Hall at the Rotermann Salt Storage, (together with Eha Komissarov and Hanno Soans) accompanied with the newsletter
“Like Humans Do. Exhibition of Contemporary Estonian Art” in Riihimäki Art Museum, Finland
“Skriinseiver”, Kunsthalle Tallinn, (together with Hanno Soans), actions against media
Estonian Pavilion. Exhibition by John Smith “Marko und Kaido” at the Venice Biennale (catalogue)
Estonian participation at the “ARTGENDA”, Biennial for Young Artists, Hamburg, Germany
“Analogue TV: Screensaver” Wäino Aaltonen Museum in Turku, Finland (together with Hanno Soans)
“Young British art”, Kunsthalle Tallinn,
(fake & punk British exhibition, together with Hanno Soans and Kiwa)
Action event “On the Ruins of Capitalism”, Tallinn city space
Estonian Pavilion. At the 7th Venice Architecture Biennale, (together with Tarmo Maiste). Exhibition “Simulacrum City” (catalogue)
Selected Conference Talks & Papers:
Kui kõik on tsitaat, siis miski pole tsitaat. Kolm case`i.
“If Everything is a Quote then nothing is a quote. Three cases”
- KTI talvefoorum, March 3- 4, 2007, in Juuru
text published in Estonian in Sirp 23.03.2007
Oh my God, oh My God! There is no Estonian in the show… Of the notions “Local” and “Global” in my Curatorial praxis.
- seminar “Translocal Express” February 16, 2007, Akadeemiline Raamatukogu, Tallinn
Old Habits Die Hard. Institutional Curating in Estonia and Baltic States.
-“Gravitation”, Ludwig Múzeum opening conference March 16-17, 2005 Budapest, Hungary
Curating the East: Local tendencies and Western expectations. –
“Artists as Producers.Transformation of Public Space.” Symposium, 15-16 October 2004
Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, Riga, Latvia
Text published in “Artists as Producers.Transformation of Public Space”, Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art, 2005 (English / Latvian)
Radicality Re-defined. Art in Institutions after the Institutional Critic.
Conference in addition to Marco Laimres solo exhibition “Questions and Answers” In the Exhibition Hall of Estonian Art Museum in Rotermann Salt Storage, Tallinn April 13, 2004
“The Position of a Curator”- at seminar “Concrete Visions. A Meeting of the Kunsthalle as an Institution. Organized jointly by the Kunsthalle Helsinki and Kunsthalle Tallinn. In Helsinki and Tallinn March 31-April 4, 2004.
Text published in “Concrete Visions”, Kunsthalle Helsinki, 2004 (English)
“Chunga´s Revenge. An instructive story of how pop culture swallowed up the avant-garde in the 1970s” - at the Conference “Idealism of the Cultural Space of the 1970s. Addenda to Estonian art History. Lecture day at the Rotermann Salt Storage Arts Center on April 23 2002.
Text published in “1970ndate kultuuriruumi idealism”. CCA Estonia, 2002 pp. 58-67, summary p.79 (in Estonian, summary in English)
“Adamson-Erics PR- technique” –conference “Adamson-Eric 100” on September 17, 2002 at The Estonian Museum of Art
“Be Drunk, Be Very, Very Drunk”– lecture-performance at the conference “Place and Location III” at the Kanuti Gildi SAAL., 09/2002
Text published in the catalogue of CENTRE OF ATTRACTION 8th Baltic Triennial of International Art, vol 2. CAC, Lithuania. 2003 (English/ Lithuanian)
“Lolita and the Guarded Unconscious. Johann Köler´s “True Guardian” (1878).” – at the conference “Johann Köler: an artist and his context”, at the Estonian Museum of Art 03/2001.
Text published in the magazine Estonian Art 1/2001 (English)
Editorial work:
Editor of special issues of the cultural weekly “Sirp” – “Special Educations Special” , Sirp 2002 Nr. 46 and “Skriinseiver” , Sirp 2003 Nr. 10 (together with Hanno Soans
“Blur Conference”, – special issue of the magazine Kunst.ee 3/2002 (together with Hanno Soans) (Estonian/ partly in English)
Analogue TV: Screensaver (collection tape of media actions and films in Estonia), together with Hanno Soans) troubleproductions, 2002 (English subtitles)
double CD-ROM “Video Art and Live Art in Estonia”, published by Centre for Contemporary Arts, Estonia, 2001 (Estonian / English)
Estonian Art magazine nr. 2 / 2001, published by Estonian Institute, (English)
Author of the radio program “Piirikunst” (“Border Art”) from 2001-2002 at the Estonian Radio (in Estonian)
Selected essays and writings available in English:
The Wreck of the White Ship: On the catastrophe of the Estonia – catalog Stuart Brisley “Crossings”, John Hansard Gallery, University of Southhampton, UK, 2008 pp.37-45
Hey, You There. Thoughts about Ed McGowin`s Project Name Change – catalog Ed McGowin-Name Change. One artist-twelve personas-thirty five years, Mobile Museum of Art,USA, 2006, pp.-4-5
Pop, Fear and Fantasy. Marko Mäetamms Terribly Funny Everyday – catalog Marko Mäetamm, Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia, 2006
We Are Glad Its All Over (together with Hanno Soans)- www.balticart.org/essays
Antonio Claudio Carvalho: [Paintings: Catalogue / Text By Anders Härm].- [Tallinn Art Hall Foundation], c2005 [Tallinn]
Commercial Galleries and the Racket- Estonian Art 2/2004
Esto TV. God Save the Screen and the Fascist Regime – AMORPH!03 Summit of Micronations 29.–31.08. 2003 Helsinki, Finland DOCUMENTS / ASIAKIRJOJA (edited by Oliver Kochta & Tellervo Kalleinen), 2003
Some Explicit Polaroids (together with Hanno Soans)- catalogue “What is Important? 3rd Ars Baltica Triennial of Photographic Art”, Ars Baltica Berlin Office & Stadtgalerie Kiel, Germany, 2003
Raoul Kurvitz : [Selected Works : Catalogue / Text By Anders Härm]. - [Tallinn : Eesti Keele Sihtasutus], c2002 ([Tallinn] : Pakett
Reflections of Media Space in Estonian Video Art –Nosy Nineties. Problems, Themes and Meanings in Estonian Art of the 90ies. Centre for Contemporary Arts, Estonia 2001
Shamanism and Meditation: Nature Poetry in the Estonian Video Art of the 1990s –
Nosy Nineties. Problems, Themes and Meanings in Estonian Art of the 90ies. Center for Contemporary Arts, Estonia 2001
Ene–Liis Semper – in the catalogue of 49th Art Exhibition of Biennale di Venezia, 2001
Ene–Liis Semper and Marko Laimre – in the catalogue of 49th Art Exhibition of Biennale di Venezia, 2001
Lily is killing me killing you... oaah. Dr. Laimres laboratory of Experimental Semiotics– national catalogue “Laimre/Semper” (49th Art Exhibition of Biennale Di Venezia), KKKE, 2001
Self–Portrait as an Estonian Artist – in the catalogue of “Baltic Times”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb Croatia, 2001– pp. 112–119
Articles of Kai Kaljo, Ene–Liis Semper and Jaan Toomik– in the ctalogue of “Baltic Times”,
Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb Croatia, 2001
Mathematically measured sacrifice. Ando Keskküla´s “Finish”– Estonian Art 2/2000, lk. 34–35
Post-apocalyptic egogenesis. Kurvitz´s Fleurs du mal.- Estonian Art 2/1999, lk. 9-13
Mark Raidpere-androgynous Janus (der androgyne Janus)- in the catalogue “Can you hear me? 2nd Ars Baltica Triennal of Photographic Art” (edit. by Kathrin Becker)- Köln: Okatgon, 1999 (German / English.)
Selected essays and writings available in Estonian:
Prantslane, inglane ja sakslane avangardi ja popi vahel. Kapitalism, skisofreenia ja hübriidne identiteet-
(A Frenchman, Englishman and German between Pop and Avant-garde. Capitalism, Schizophrenia and Hybrid Identity)
Kunstiteaduslikke Uurimusi 1-2/2006 ( together with Hanno Soans, summary in English)
Laimre ja "mina": Marco Laimre isikunäitus "Küsimused ja vastused" Rotermanni Soolalaos
(Laimre and “Me”: Marco Laimre´s solo exhibition “Questions and Answers” in Rotermann Salt Storage)
- Vikerkaar 6/2004
Ene-Liis Semper: Tühi ruum ja lavaskulptuur
(Ene-Liis Semper: Empty Space and Stage Sculpture)
-Teater.Muusika.Kino nr. 3/ 2003
Laamanni juju
(Laamann's juju: on Tarvvi Laaman's paintings)
-Vikerkaar 12/2003
Start kontseptuaalsesse skisomaailma: John Smithi "Marko und Kaido"
(“Start to the Conceptual Schizo-world. John Smiths “Marko und Kaido”)
- Vikerkaar 4-5/2003
Edu ettemaksuga ehk kohtumine tagumise pissuaari juures. “Avangardi” projektist “Surm või Avangard”
(Success with Pre-payment or Meeting at the Rearest Urinal. Group Avangard´s project” Death or Avant-Gard”)
– Vikerkaar 10/2001, (together with Kiwa and Hanno Soans)
Universumi kuningas absurdi ja apokalüptika vahel. Jasper Zoova videoinstallatsioonid
(King of the Universe between the Apocalypse and Absurd. Jasper Zoova´s Video Installations)
-Vikerkaar 5-6/1999
Solo Performances:
2006 “Cooking and Shitting”-
June 29 Theater Festival Baltoscandal, Rakvere, Estonia
May 11, 13 Theater Fletch Bizzel, Dortmund, Germany
2002 “Be drunk be very, very drunk” –
April 22, 2006 Theaterfesten, Bergen, Norway
December 02, 2005 SPIELART Theater Festival, Munich, Germany
September 19, 2005 Theater Festival HOMO NOVUS, Riga, Latvia
January 15, 2005 Festival of Unexistant Bands, Tartu Sadamateater, Estonia
June 16, 2004 Baltoscandal, Rakvere, Estonia
June 19, 2003 Theater Festival “Transeuropa”, Hildesheim, Germany
Octoober 26, 2002 International Seminar, 8th Baltic Triennial, CAC, Vilnius, Lithuania
September 20, 2002 conference “Place and Location III”, Kanuti Gildi SAAL, Tallinn, Estonia
1 comment:
Oled otsi rahalist vabadust? sa võlgu, sa vajad laenu, et alustada uut äri? või oled finantsiliselt murda, Kas teil on vaja laenu, et osta auto või maja? Kas olete olnud keera oma kohaliku panga saada rahanduse? sa tahad, et parandada oma rahalist? sa vajad laenu, et maksta ära oma arveid? otsi enam, me oleme Teid võimaluse saada igasuguseid laenu, mida vajate väga soodsa intressiga 2% rohkem teavet meiega nüüd e-posti teel aadressil: harry.morganzonderzorgen001@vip.onet.pl
Palun kirjutage tagasi, kui huvitatud.
Laenu kestus:
Mobiiltelefoni number
Kas sa räägid inglise keelt:
Harry Morgan
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